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What’s Really Inside Pill Culture?

What’s Really Inside Pill Culture?

Over the past several years we've noticed a ton of different stereotypes in pop culture. Today “Pill Culture” has taken over but what it does is categorize people. Interestingly enough, most of what people say that are commenting on the issues is completely wrong. Just because someone has a particular view on one topic does not guarantee them to be something else. A lot of times this new culture of “labeling” is unwarranted and someone’s beliefs on one particular area aren’t correlated in any way to another.

Just because a man believes heavily in “Red Pill” culture doesn’t mean he is in fact racist or misogynistic, but if you were to ask most women they’d say they’d have to be one of the two. My mother raised me with a pretty good saying and saying goes like this “People aren’t against you, they’re just for themselves”. And Mama was right. A man that values his fitness, knowledge, and mental health and is extremely progressive is not oppressive. A Man that oppresses women in fact is extremely feminine. Just like if a woman is a feminist it doesn’t always mean she hates men, she’s just for themselves. And oddly enough when you get a “Red Pill” man and a “Feminist” woman together you end up with a damn power couple. I’ll let your imagination take over because I’m sure you can think of a few.

Limiting beliefs will not allow us to really understand the values in different approaches to life and with this new age, we are extremely quick to categorize things and place judgment on things we do not yet fully understand. With access to so much information, it’d be great for everyone to take an in-depth look at a particular topic before commenting on it, especially publicly. The scary thing is that a lot of opinions are taken as facts nowadays if they’re said by someone who is extremely influential.

We should all take a step back to really see what’s going on. I’m afraid to say that what’s really going on is a typical case of “Divide & Conquer” but I’ll cover that in another blog post. You see if you make a mockery of something that is truly beneficial for mankind and the masses then you will in fact deter people from engaging in it. You’d be hard-pressed to find a true “Red Pill” man that isn’t valuable in society and who doesn’t have options. It all started out as do you want the “Truth” or “Keeping living in bliss” when the red pill came out in the matrix back in 1999, but now it has turned into something else.

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